Outcome of shareholders’ resolution announced

The recent shareholders’ resolution to capitalise the debt owed from the football club to the Community Trust was passed.

This was always the expected outcome with the Trust having 84% of the votes. However, more than 200 other shareholders submitted their votes with all but one agreeing with the debt to shares arrangement.

A further five million shares in CFC 2001 Ltd have been issued to Chesterfield FC Community Trust. 

The holding with the charity now far exceeds that required for control of the football club. As a result, the Trust is expecting to offer some of the shares for sale.

It is intended to offer those shares at the face value of £1 each with a minimum purchase number of 250. 

Any money raised this way will be used by the Community Trust for football-related activities, including capital projects.

Details of how people can apply for shares will be issued shortly.