Weymouth tickets

Tickets for Saturday’s game at Weymouth are available to puchase via the opposition club’s website.

Tickets are priced as follows:

Adult: £16

Concession: £11 (Over 65/Registered Disabled/Member of the Armed Forces)

Student aged 16-19: £7

Under 16: £4

Under 7: 50p

You may be asked for proof on the turnstiles for concession tickets or other age banded tickets. 

To purchase your ticket(s), please click on the following link: https://sales.weymouthfootballclub.co.uk/index.php?id_product=117&id_product_attribute=508&rewrite=chesterfield-a&controller=product#/33-tt-please_select

True Blue Travel places cost £32 adults/£16 for Under 16s. Please note that Under 16s must be accompanied by someone aged 18 or above.

True Blue Travel bookings can be made via the following link: https://tickets.chesterfield-fc.co.uk/en-gb/categories/travel