Summer catch-up: Ryheem Sheckleford

Ryheem Sheckleford is the latest member of the first-team squad to take part in our summer catch-up series.

He spoke to media assistant Bron Jenkinson about various different topics and began by talking about his summer holidays.

I’ve had a great summer so far; I’ve enjoyed my time off,” he said. “I’ve been to a few places; I do like to travel and get around as much as I can when we have the time off.

“I’ve been to Barcelona, Dubai, Marrakesh and all of them were absolutely lovely. I’ve had such a good time, I couldn’t pick a favourite out of them all, to be honest.

“They were all good for different reasons but I have to say the weather was certainly better than it is here!”

The defender explained why he’s been back at the club earlier than planned, saying: “Me and a few of the boys wanted to come and do some running.

“We want to be prepared for the start of the season and I personally can’t wait now. Some of us are just here to start preparing and keep fit. It’s much better than running on your own, that’s for sure.”

To watch the full interview, please click the following link: